School Assessment-NA

Assessment at NIS is an important part of the learning process. Formative assessment is the backbone of this process from the Early Years till graduation as student learning is assessed as an ongoing part of the learning process with assessment findings then fed back into teaching.

Summative assessment, through which learners are tested against a series of pre-established benchmarks, allows our teachers to understand how students are meeting external standards. This is also an ongoing process at NIS, and one in which the learner plays an increasingly important and active role as they progress through the school.

EARLY YEARS: Assessment in the Early Years plays an important part in helping parents, carers and teachers to recognise children’s progress, understand their needs, and plan activities and support.

Formative assessment is an integral part of the learning and development process. It involves teachers observing children to understand their level of achievement, interests and learning styles, and then shape learning experiences for each child reflecting those observations. In their interactions with children, teachers should respond to their own day-to-day observations about children’s progress and to observations that parents and carers share.

Summative assessment happens towards the end of the learner’s Reception year, when the progress is assessed against a series of Early Learning Goals from the EFSA Framework.